HHW accelerates women’s advancement as workplace and community leaders.

Rosie’s Girls Summer Camp
Rosie’s Girls™ summer program helps girls develop grit, connection and expanded possibilities as they explore hands-on STEM- and trades-related activities. HHW OHIO organizes partners to host this high impact summer program for middle school aged girls that uses carpentry and other hands-on activities in a safe, supportive environment where girls take positive risks, learn new skills and expand their recognition of possible futures for their own lives.
Rosie’s Girls ® Summer Camp includes a unique combination of activities that are designed to expose girls to a variety of trades and technical fields, strengthen their own voices, build a sense of community and encourage participants to challenge the expectations our society has for girls and women.
Volunteer Opportunities
Goal of this work: Revitalize Rosie’s Girls in NE Ohio. Tasks include:
- Familiarize self with Rosie’s Girls national website
- Recommend / help recruit volunteers to this action team
- Review the proposed MOU from Vermont Works for Women
- Host once a month social hour / networking (at location you determine)
- Create an evite and/or social media invitation that each of us can use to invite people we know
- Work with leadership to determine the right people to invite to Rosie’s Girls events
- Out of this, build a volunteer action team to put together a plan for RG 2017
- Timeline
- Budget
- Fundraising / sponsorship ideas