HHW Ohio is committed to helping women pursue careers in high-demand, high-wage professions as a pathway to economic security, and making Ohio more economically competitive.
An Economically Competitive Ohio
Supported by a statewide community of women discovering, entering and excelling in an array of high-wage, high-demand jobs that provide meaningful economic security
About Us
Hard Hatted Women (HHW Ohio) was founded in 1979 as a support group for tradeswomen. Since its founding, HHW has been helping women achieve
economic empowerment through wider employment opportunities in technical and STEM occupations. Since our founding over 90% of the women
HHW Ohio has served have been low-income. Approximately 47% were African American, 48% were Caucasian, and 5% were Hispanic or other
nationality. A majority of women who come to HHW Ohio for career preparation are single mothers who have struggled to get by working in
low-wage, dead-end jobs. Having the support to enter and succeed in a career where they earn a good wage, while continuing to learn and advance,
is a life-changing event. Our mission is motivated by the belief, supported by over three decades of experience, that nontraditional employment can
move – and keep – women and families out of poverty.
Meet the HHW Ohio Team

Kaci Roach has served as HHW Ohio’s Executive Director since 2020. In this role she leads the expansion of WISE Pathways statewide and serves as the primary point of contact for partners.
Have a question about HHW Ohio- contact Kaci at director@hhwohio.org

Josette Compton, EdD serves as HHW Ohio’s Program Director. In this role she leads the development of curriculum for the WISE Pathways cohorts and is the lead facilitator for the WISE Pathways Cleveland cohorts.
Have a question about WISE Pathways- contact Josette at jcompton@hhwohio.org
Picture coming soon!
Sarah Taylor serves as HHW Ohio’s Community Engagement Manager. In this role she supports the Cleveland cohorts of WISE Pathways through coordination of community events and serving as the primary point of contact for women participating in the program. She also supports the organization’s communication strategy.
Want to join the next cohort of WISE Pathways in Cleveland- contact Sarah at staylor@hhwohio.org
Want to Support HHW?
HHW is always looking for energetic volunteers, more resources and great ideas to support our mission.